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City of Fresno
City Council on 2022-09-29 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: September 29, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
Closed for Comment September 28, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
1.-O. ID 22-1464 Approve the award of a purchase contract to Fire Apparatus Solutions of Rialto, California, for the purchase of one SVI Incident support, and one SVI Hazmat heavy fire apparatus in the amount of $2,214,297 for the Fresno Fire Department
Legislation Text
Board Resolutions.pdf
Comment and Review.pdf
Opening Record.pdf
Proof of Publication.pdf
Rev Group Contract 113021.pdf
1.-P. ID 22-1471 Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 80 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,619,710.04 for the Police Department (Bid File 12300303)
Legislation Text
Bid File 12300303.pdf
1.-Q. ID 22-1472 Approve the award of a purchase contract to Golden State Fire Apparatus Inc. of Sacramento, California, for the purchase of two Boise Mobile Equipment type-six wildland fire engines in the amount of $682,757 for the Fresno Fire Department
Legislation Text
BME Contract Golden State Fire Apparatus Inc.pdf
Contract Amendment 1.pdf
Contract Amendment 2.pdf
1.-R. ID 22-1398 Actions pertaining to the Pilibos Park Irrigation Pump Controller and Turf Replacement Project: 1. Adopt finding of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract to Clean Cut Landscape Inc. of Clovis, CA in the amount of $598,955 for the construction of the Pilibos Park Irrigation Pump Controller and Turf Replacement Project (Bid File 3877) (District 5) 3. Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute all related documents.
Legislation Text
Bid Evaluation_Fiscal Impact Statement.pdf
Standard Contract.pdf
1.-S. ID 22-1454 Actions pertaining to Citywide Translation and Interpretation Services on an as-needed/on-demand Basis: 1. Approve an agreement with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center authorizing expenditures not-to-exceed $300,000 over a two-year period for professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation services on an as-needed/on-demand basis; 2. Approve an agreement with Focus Language authorizing expenditures not-to-exceed $800,000 over a two-year period for professional translation and interpretation services on an as-needed/on-demand basis; 3. Approve an agreement with Hanna Interpreting Services LLC authorizing expenditures not-to-exceed $800,000 over a two-year period for professional translation and interpretation services on an as-needed/on-demand basis; 4. Approve an agreement with Translating Services, Inc. DBA Lazar Translating & Interpreting authorizing expenditures not-to-exceed $800,000 over a two-year period for professional translation and interpretation services on an as-needed/on-demand basis; 5. Approve an agreement with Voyce, Inc. authorizing expenditures not-to-exceed $500,000 over a two-year period for over-the-phone (OPI) and on-demand video remote interpretation (VRI) on an as-needed/on-demand basis; 6. The City will only compensate Consultants for those services performed under the Agreements; 7. Authorize the PARCS Director or designee to execute agreements approved as to form by the City Attorney; and 8. Authorize the PARCS Director or designee to extend the agreements for a two-year term with an additional value not to exceed the original agreement amount.
Legislation Text
Sample Consultant Service Agreement
Translation and Interpretation Proposals.pdf
1.-T. ID 22-1496 Actions pertaining to solar projects proposed at PARCS and Public Safety sites including Mosqueda Community Center, Roeding Park, Ted C. Wills Community Center, Inspiration Park, Mary Ella Brown Community Center, Fire Department Headquarters, and Police Regional Training Center (Council Districts 1, 3, 5): 1. Adopt findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines: a. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemptions pursuant to Sections 15303/Class 3; 15304-Class 4; and 15311/Class 11 of the CEQA Guidelines; 2. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 157 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Mosqueda Community Center; 3. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 162 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Roeding Park; 4. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 219 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Ted C. Wills Community Center; 5. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 78 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Inspiration Park; 6. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 94 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Mary Ella Brown Community Center; 7. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 110 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Fire Department Headquarters; 8. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 110 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Police Regional Training Center; 9. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute subsequent documents, instruments, estoppel and acknowledgement certificates, etc. related to securing a financing party; 10. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to approve of any changes to the PPA rates up to the maximum amount authorized in the agreements; 11. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Interconnection Agreement required for the project(s).
Legislation Text
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Mosqueda Community Center
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Roeding Park
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Ted C. Wills Community Center
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Inspiration Park
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Mary Ella Brown Community Center
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Fire Department Headquarters
22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Police Regional Training Center
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Mosqueda Community Center
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Roeding Park
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Ted C. Wills Community Center
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Inspiration Park
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Mary Ella Brown Community Center
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Fire Department Headquarters
22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Police Regional Training Center
22-1496 MEMO - Fiscal Impact to Delays in Proposed Solar Projects 9.8.22
Solar Financial Analysis
Supplement_1-T ID 22-1496 & 1-LL ID 22-1372
1.-U. ID 22-1444 ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Fourth Amendment to the FY 2023 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152, amending Exhibit 3, Unit 3, Non-Supervisory White Collar (FCEA) by adding the new classification of Park Ranger I, Park Ranger II and Senior Park Ranger and providing a salary step plan range for the respective classifications, effective October 3, 2022 (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Resolution - Fourth Amendment to FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152
Salary Tables - Fourth Amendment to FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Redline
Salary Tables - Fourth Amendment to FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Final
1.-V. ID 22-1419 ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Third Amendment to the FY 2023 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152, amending Section 9, subsection 1.b; and Exhibit 2, Non-Represented Management and Confidential Classes adding the new classification of Project Liaison/Program Administrator and the respective new E13 salary range, retitling the Labor Relations Manager to Chief Labor Negotiator and modifying the salary range from E7 to E6, modifying the Deputy City Manager salary range from E7 to E6, and retitling the Principal Labor Relations Analyst to Principal Labor Relations/Risk Analyst, effective October 3, 2022 (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Resolution - Third Amendment to the FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152.pdf 8.25.22.pdf
Narrative - Third Amendment to the FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Redline
Narrative - Third Amendment to the FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Final
Salary Tables - Third Amendment to FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Redline
Salary Tables - Third Amendment to FY23 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152 - Final
Transparency CIty Comparison
1.-W. ID 22-1367 Actions pertaining to the use of Parking Garage 7: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 2. Approve the Second Amendment to the License Agreement between the City of Fresno, and T-Mobile West, LLC., to license use of certain real property, together with access and utility rights located at the Fresno City Parking Garage 7 (801 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, CA 93721) for four (4) five-year terms and total contract revenue of $436,920 (District 3)
Legislation Text
Second Amendment to License Agreement T-Mobile, LLC.
First Amendment to License Agreement T-Mobile, LLC.
License Agreement
T-Mobile Site Summary
DPR Primary Record Form for 801 Van Ness Avenue
1.-X. ID 22-1399 Approve the Agreement with Mental Health Systems (MHS) to operate the Fresno HOME as a low-barrier emergency homeless shelter in the total amount of $981,908.68 using Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) funds and authorize the City Manager or designs to sign all implementing documents as approved to form by the City Attorney.
Legislation Text
Agreement with Mental Health Systems - Fresno Home
Memo Uniquely Qualified Service Provider - Mental Health Systems
1.-Y. ID 22-1417 Approve the fourth Amendment to the Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., to increase the number of beds from 50 to 100 for triage center services at the Golden State Triage Center using HHAP funds.
Legislation Text
Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Turning Point of Central California
1.-Z. ID 22-1466 Approve the third Amendment to the Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center services at the Journey Home Triage Center.
Legislation Text
Third Amendment to Agreement with Turning Point of Central California - Journey Home
1.-AA. ID 22-1429 Actions pertaining to the 2023 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant 1. ***Authorize the Chief of Police to accept $500,000 in grant funding for the 2023 STEP grant awarded to the Fresno Police Department from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) through the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS)(Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. Authorize the Chief of Police or his designee to execute the agreement, extensions and all related documentation applicable to the 2023 STEP grant 3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 9th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-154 appropriating $375,000 for the Police Department's STEP grant (Requires five affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's veto).
Legislation Text
Grant Agreement
9th Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2022-154
1.-BB. ID 22-1265 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Semi-Annual Report (October 2021 through April 2022) (Citywide)
Legislation Text
22-1265 BPAC Semi-Annual Report October 2021- April 2022
22-1265 BPAC Letters of Support Project List
1.-CC. ID 22-1389 Actions pertaining to the Veterans Boulevard North Extension Project (Bid File No. 3854) (Council District 2): 1. RESOLUTION - Adopting findings pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15091 and 15093 as required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15096 for the Veterans Boulevard North Extension Phase 4B Project 2. Award a Construction Contract in the amount of $7,085,420.50 to Yarbs Grading and Paving Inc, of Fowler, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder
Legislation Text
22-1389 Vicinity Map
22-1389 Location Map
22-1389 Resolution Adopting CEQA Findings
22-1389 Bid Evaluation
22-1389 Fiscal Impact Statement
22-1389 Standard Construction Contract
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