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City of Fresno
City Council on 2022-09-29 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: September 29, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
Closed for Comment September 28, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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1.-DD. ID 22-1421 RESOLUTION - Of Intention to Establish a Community Facilities District (Community Facilities District No. 18 - Public Safety Services) and future annexation area and to Authorize the Levy of a Special Tax; and setting the public hearing for Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 10:00 am (Tract 6310, near the northwest corner of Dakota and Polk Avenues; and Tract 6234, southwest corner of Dakota and Hayes Avenues; future annexation area encompasses entire City of Fresno) (Citywide)
Legislation Text
22-1421 Location Map
CFD 18 (Public Safety Services) - Resolution of Intention
1.-EE. ID 22-1390 Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group for $1,650,000, with a $62,500 contingency, for design and construction support services for the River West Eaton Trail Extension Project (Council District 2)
Legislation Text
22-1390 Consultant Agreement
22-1390 Vicinity Map
1.-FF. ID 22-1450 ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the Artistic Crosswalk Policy (Subject to Mayor's veto)
Legislation Text
22-1450 Artistic Crosswalk Policy
22-1450 Waiver of Proprietary Rights
22-1450 Artistic Crosswalk Request Form Draft
Resolution - Artistic Crosswalk
1.-GG. ID 22-1451 Actions pertaining to the Barton Avenue and Florence Avenue Improvements Project at Calwa Park - Bid File 3831 (Council District 5): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 and 15302 Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $636,396 to Terra West Construction of Clovis, California
Legislation Text
22-1451 CEQA Environmental Assessment
22-1451 Vicinity Map
22-1451 Bid Evaluation
22-1451 Fiscal Impact Statement
22-1451 Standardized Contract
1.-HH. ID 22-1453 RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application to the United States Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities Pilot Discretionary Grant Program Totaling Up to $2 Million in Request for Funding; and Authorizing the Execution of Grant Application and Grant Agreement Documents by the Public Works Director or Designee (Council District 3)
Legislation Text
22-1453 Resolution
22-1453 Proposed Project List
22-1453 Pedestrian Bridge Rendering from DNCP
1.-II. ID 22-1394 Actions pertaining to the North Avenue sewer trunk main realignment (Council Districts 3 and 5) 1. RESOLUTION - Adopt Resolution authorizing an exception to the formal bidding procedures and award a sole source signal relocation agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company 2. Award a signal relocation agreement in the amount of $379,906 with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company for the relocation of signal equipment that conflicts with the North Avenue sewer trunk main realignment
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Sole Source Resolution.pdf
Attachment 2 - Signal Relocation Agreement.pdf
1.-JJ. ID 22-1404 Approve the First Amendment to the consultant services agreement with SEAM Group, LLC, to increase the compensation by $150,000, for a total amended contract amount not to exceed $387,200, inclusive of a $20,000 contingency, for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Compliant Lockout-Tagout Program for electrical and mechanical equipment at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3)
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - First Amendment to the Agreement.pdf
Attachment 2 - Original Consultant Agreement.pdf
1.-KK. ID 22-1415 Approve two Title VI Fare Equity Analyses for the Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express (FAX), including (1) an updated analysis of the new fare structure enacted in September 2021 which now contains a determination on free fares for veterans and active-duty military, and (2) an analysis of temporary free fares for Reduced Fare riders.
Legislation Text
FAX Title VI Fare Equity Analysis New Fare Structure, August 2021 Updated June 2022.pdf
FAX Title VI Fare Equity Analysis Free Fares for Reduced Fare Riders, Funded by Kaiser Permanente August 2022 .pdf
1.-LL. ID 22-1372 Actions pertaining to solar projects proposed at Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express (FAX) sites including the FAX Employee Parking Lot and Bus Yard 1. Adopt findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines: a. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemptions pursuant to Sections 15303/Class 3; 15304/Class 4; and 15311/Class 11 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and exempt pursuant to Section 21080.35.(a) of the California Public Resources Code (PRC); 2. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM SOLAR, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 1.07 mW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at the FAX Bus Yard; 3. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 219 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at the FAX Employee Parking Lot; 4. Authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to execute subsequent documents, instruments, estoppel and acknowledgement certificates, etc. related to securing a financing party; 5. Authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to approve of any changes to the PPA rates up to the maximum amount authorized in the agreements; 6. Authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to execute the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Interconnection Agreement required for the project(s).
Legislation Text
ESA - Special Conditions - Solar; FAX Employee Parking Lot.pdf
ESA - Special Conditions - Solar; FAX Bus Yard.pdf
Categorical Exemptions Pursuant to Sections 15303 Class 3.pdf
Supplement_1-T ID 22-1496 & 1-LL ID 22-1372
1.-MM. ID 22-1473 Approve the cooperative purchase of fourteen (14) medium-accessible paratransit cutaway unleaded vehicles from Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) for the Department of Transportation/FAX, in the amount of $1,768,955.35
Legislation Text
1. H-GAC Contract.pdf
2. Price Analysis.pdf
3. Creative Bus Sales quote.pdf
1.-NN. ID 22-1285 Approve the Sixth Amendment to the professional consultant agreement with Stantec Architecture, Inc., to incorporate additional design due to differing as-built conditions, future facility needs, and project grant and compliance requirements for the Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express Division Facility Improvement Project in the amount of $19,467.00 and authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to execute all related documents
Legislation Text
Supplement_1-NN_ID 22-1285_Agreement
1.-OO. ID 22-1420 BILL (for introduction) - Repealing Section 9-609 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the business hours of pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers.
Legislation Text
FMC 9-609 repeal
1.-PP. ID 22-1443 Approve the appointment of Lois White Murphy to the Council District 6 Project Review Committee.
Legislation Text
1.-QQ. ID 22-1374 ***RESOLUTION - Confirming emergency conditions continue to directly impact the ability of legislative bodies to meet safely in person and authorizing remote teleconference meetings of City legislative bodies for 30 days, pursuant to Brown Act provisions (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
Legislation Text
RESO-AB 361_covid brown act 9.2022 (003)
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