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City of Fresno
City Council on 2022-09-29 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: September 29, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
Closed for Comment September 28, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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1.-RR. ID 22-1423 ***RESOLUTION - Establishing a policy for City cooling and warming centers (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Resolution - Establishing Policy for City Cooling and Warming Centers (1)
1 Comment
1.-SS. ID 22-1499 Approve the appointment of Elisa Rivera to the City of Fresno Women's Commission.
Legislation Text
TM Appointment Nomination - Rivera - Women's Commission
1.-TT. ID 22-1502 Actions pertaining to public education services for Measure M and Measure C 1a. Uphold the City Manager's finding that Local Government Strategic Consulting (LGSC) is uniquely qualified to provide public education services related to Measure M (Veterans' Services and Facilities) 1b. Approve a consultant services agreement with Local Government Strategic Consulting in an amount not to exceed $500,000 2a. Uphold the City Manager's finding that Jeffrey Scott Agency (JSA) is uniquely qualified to provide public education services related to Measure C (Transportation) 2b. Approve a consultant services agreement with Jeffrey Scott Agency (JSA) to provide public education services regarding Measure C in an amount not to exceed $250,000
Legislation Text
Supplement_1-TT ID 22-1502 _Staff Report, Agmts, Uniquely Qualified memos
1 Comment
1.-UU. ID 22-1503 ***RESOLUTION - Directing the donation and transfer of Southern Pacific Engine 1238 (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
RESO- SouthernPacificEngine1238
Joint Meeting of The City Council, The City in Its Capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno and The Fresno Revitalization Corporation
1.-VV. ID 22-1468 Actions pertaining to the disposition of the 8-acre property located at the southeast corner of East Florence and South Plumas Avenues (APN 477-060-04T) (District 3). 1. ***Resolution - Declaring property at the southeast corner of East Florence and South Plumas Avenues to be exempt surplus land and directing staff to comply with the Surplus Land Act (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. Resolution - Finding good cause and clear and convincing benefit to the public to vary from the Request for Proposals process pursuant to FMC Section 4-204 (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes)
Legislation Text
Florence Plumas Reso Declaring Exempt with Map 9-13-22
RESOLUTION Florence and Plumas Varying from RFP Process 4-204 8.9.22 CAO initialed 9-13-22
1.-WW. ID 22-1495 Actions pertaining to the Hye Project for the rehabilitation as affordable housing of historic resources located at M and Santa Clara Streets: 1. RESOLUTION - Authorizing the distribution of funds from FRC Canyon Crest, LLC., to the Fresno Revitalization Corporation (FRC Action) 2. Approve Owner Participation Agreement with Essayons, LP., for the Hye Project to rehabilitate three single family homes at M and Santa Clara Streets (City as Housing Successor and FRC Action) 3. Approve Facade Covenant (Successor Agency Action)
Legislation Text
Owner Participation Agreement
10:00 A.M. #1
ID 22-1407 Consideration of Development Code Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413 and related Environmental Finding for Environmental Assessment No. P22-02413, amending Tables 15-1102, 15-1103, 15-1202, 15-1203, 15-4907 and Section 15-1104 of the Fresno Municipal Code and adding Sections 15-1106 and 15-5102-E to the Fresno Municipal Code, and corresponding General Plan Text Amendment relating to mixed-use development: 1. ADOPT a finding set forth in Environmental Assessment No. P22-02413 dated July 6, 2022, and recirculated on August 19, 2022, of a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(d) 2. BILL (for introduction) amending the Fresno Municipal Code, Tables 15-1102, 15-1103, 15-1202, 15-1203, 15-4907 and Section 15-1104 of the Fresno Municipal Code and adding Sections 15-1106 and 15-5102-E to the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to mixed-use development, with staff corrections as recommended by Planning Commission on July 20, 2022. 3. RESOLUTION (continued to October 13, 2022) Amending Chapter 3, the Urban Form, Land Use, and Design Element of the Fresno General Plan, Table 3-1, and pages 3-41 and 3-42 consistent with the Development Code Text Amendment described above and as set forth in General Plan Text Amendment Application No. P22-02413
Legislation Text
Exhibit A - Project Location Map
Exhibit B - Ordinance - Mixed Use Text Amendment (22-02413)
Exhibit C - Priority Areas for Development Incentives
Exhibit D - General Plan Text Amendment No. P22-02413
Exhibit E - Mixed Use Zoning Map
Exhibit F - Zoning Height Limits
Exhibit G - Proforma Comparing Existing & Proposed Densities
Exhibit H - Environmental Assessment August 19, 2022
Exhibit I - Fresno Municipal Code Findings
Exhibit J - Public Comment Letters
Exhibit K - Planning Commission Resolution
Supplement_1000AM #1_ 22-1407_ Presentation
10:00 A.M. #2 (CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 13, 2022, AT 10:00 AM)
ID 22-1203 HEARING to Consider Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P20-04209, Development Permit Application No. P20-04211, and related Environmental Assessment No. P20-04209/P20-04211 pertaining to ±18.9 acres of property located on the southeast corner of South West and West Church Avenues (Council District 3) 1. ADOPT the Negative Declaration as prepared for Environmental Assessment No. P20-04211/P20-04209, dated March 4, 2022, for the proposed project pursuant to the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, 2. RESOLUTION approving Plan Amendment Application No. P20-04209, requesting authorization to amend the Fresno General Plan and Southwest Fresno Specific Plan to change the planned land use designation for the subject property from Residential - Medium Density (±18.9 acres) to Employment - Light Industrial (±18.9 acres); and, 3. BILL (For introduction and adoption) approving Rezone Application No. P20-04209, requesting authorization to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to rezone the subject property from the RS-5/UGM (Residential Single Family, Medium Density/Urban Growth Management) (±18.9 acres) zone district to the IL (Light Industrial/Urban Growth Management) (±18.9 acres) zone district in accordance with the Plan Amendment Application; and 4. APPROVE Development Permit Application No. P20-04211, requesting authorization to construct a state of the art ±477,470 square-foot two (2) story food production, warehousing, and distribution facility, subject to compliance with Conditions of Approval dated May 18, 2022.
Legislation Text
10:05 A.M.
ID 22-1401 HEARING to consider Official Plan Line (OPL) for the West North Avenue alignment from South Marks Avenue to South Elm Avenue, and related Environmental Assessment No. EA-18-004. (Council District 3) 1. ADOPT Environmental Assessment No. EA-18-004, filed May 18, 2018, resulting in a Mitigated Negative Declaration for purposes of the proposed project 2. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Approving the Official Plan Line for the West North Avenue alignment from South Marks Avenue to South Elm Avenue pursuant to the Fresno General Plan Land Use and Circulation Map (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
22-1401 Exhibit A - Vicinity Map
22-1401 Exhibit B - Aerial Photograph
22-1401 Exhibit C - Public Hearing Notice Mailing List Vicinity Map
22-1401 Exhibit D - Fresno General Plan Land Use and Circulation Map
22-1401 Exhibit E - Official Plan Line for North from Marks to Elm
22-1401 Exhibit F - EA-18-004 - Mitigated Negative Declaration
22-1401 Exhibit G Planning Commission Resolution No 13764 for the Official Plan Line for West North Avenue from South Marks Avenue to South Elm Avenue
22-1401 OPL North Ave Marks Elm Ordinance
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