Meeting Time: September 29, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1.-TT. ID 22-1502 Actions pertaining to public education services for Measure M and Measure C 1a. Uphold the City Manager's finding that Local Government Strategic Consulting (LGSC) is uniquely qualified to provide public education services related to Measure M (Veterans' Services and Facilities) 1b. Approve a consultant services agreement with Local Government Strategic Consulting in an amount not to exceed $500,000 2a. Uphold the City Manager's finding that Jeffrey Scott Agency (JSA) is uniquely qualified to provide public education services related to Measure C (Transportation) 2b. Approve a consultant services agreement with Jeffrey Scott Agency (JSA) to provide public education services regarding Measure C in an amount not to exceed $250,000

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    Brandi NuseVillegas about 2 years ago

    Dear council,
    You have heard from many community members who are opposed to the Measure C ballot item being placed on the 2022 ballot, rather than placed on the 2024 ballot with better and more community input, as well as concerns and opposition to the plan made so closely to the vote. I am sure many community members do not support the the use of city funds to promote this ballot measure that we don't support. I oppose the use of funds for this item if used for the upcoming ballot initiative.