Meeting Time: September 29, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1.-T. ID 22-1496 Actions pertaining to solar projects proposed at PARCS and Public Safety sites including Mosqueda Community Center, Roeding Park, Ted C. Wills Community Center, Inspiration Park, Mary Ella Brown Community Center, Fire Department Headquarters, and Police Regional Training Center (Council Districts 1, 3, 5): 1. Adopt findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines: a. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemptions pursuant to Sections 15303/Class 3; 15304-Class 4; and 15311/Class 11 of the CEQA Guidelines; 2. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 157 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Mosqueda Community Center; 3. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 162 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Roeding Park; 4. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 219 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Ted C. Wills Community Center; 5. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 78 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Inspiration Park; 6. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 94 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Mary Ella Brown Community Center; 7. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 110 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Fire Department Headquarters; 8. Approve the award of a cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Solar with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 110 kW (DC) (estimated) solar photovoltaic system at Police Regional Training Center; 9. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute subsequent documents, instruments, estoppel and acknowledgement certificates, etc. related to securing a financing party; 10. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to approve of any changes to the PPA rates up to the maximum amount authorized in the agreements; 11. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Interconnection Agreement required for the project(s).

Legislation Text 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Mosqueda Community Center 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Roeding Park 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Ted C. Wills Community Center 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Inspiration Park 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Mary Ella Brown Community Center 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Fire Department Headquarters 22-1496 Energy Services Agreement - Special Conditions - Solar; Police Regional Training Center 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Mosqueda Community Center 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Roeding Park 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Ted C. Wills Community Center 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Inspiration Park 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Mary Ella Brown Community Center 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Fire Department Headquarters 22-1496 Environmental Assessment for Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at Police Regional Training Center 22-1496 MEMO - Fiscal Impact to Delays in Proposed Solar Projects 9.8.22 Solar Financial Analysis Supplement_1-T ID 22-1496 & 1-LL ID 22-1372