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City of Fresno
City Council on 2024-12-12 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: December 12, 2024 at 9:00am PST
Closed for Comment December 11, 2024 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
ID 24-1653 HEARING to consider Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-06064, (Council District 1) - Planning & Development. 1. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the action of the Planning Commission to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-06064 requesting authorization to establish a State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 20 alcohol license (Off-Sale beer and wine) for a proposed Arco AM/PM combination automobile service station and convenience store.
Legislation Text
9:25 A.M.
ID 24-1604 HEARING to obtain public comments regarding community needs for consideration in the development of the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and Citizen Participation Plan.
Legislation Text
24-1604 Consolidated Plan Public Hearing Presentation
2.-A. ID 24-1559 ***RESOLUTION - Declaring the results of the Presidential General Election held within the City of Fresno on November 5, 2024. (Subject to Mayor's veto)
Legislation Text
Resolution Declaring Election Results
2.-B. ID 24-1585 RESOLUTION - Amending certain designated positions which shall be subject to the Conflict of Interest Code and defining categories of disclosures for such positions
Legislation Text
Exhibit A - Designated Positions (redline)
Exhibit B - Resolution with Updated Designations (clean)
2.-C. ID 24-1650 Approval of City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2025.
Legislation Text
Proposed 2025 Calendar
2.-D. ID 24-1665 ***RESOLUTION - Declaring a Vacancy in the Office of Councilmember for District 5; Calling a Special Election to be Held on March 18, 2025, to Fill the Vacancy; and Calling for a Potential Run-Off Election (Subject to Mayor's veto)
Legislation Text
Exhibit A - Resignation Letter
Exhibit B - Resolution Declaring Vacancy and Calling Special Election
2.-E. ID 24-1601 Actions pertaining to the expansion of the Code Enforcement Division in the City Attorney's Office: ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Second Amendment to the Position Authorization Resolution ("PAR") No. 2024-121, adding one full-time Senior Community Revitalization Specialist, and one full-time Community Revitalization Specialist positions in the City Attorney's Office (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Second PAR Amendment.pdf
2.-F. ID 24-1666 Approve the appointment of Mohammad Shaikh, MD to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee to a term ending December 12, 2027. Approve the appointment of Ward Scheitrum to the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District to a term ending December 31, 2028. Approve the appointments of Marisol Baca and Danielle Shapazian to the Poet Laureate Selection Committee to terms ending December 31, 2026. Approve the reappointments of Megan Bohigian, Honora Chapman, Bryan Harley, Heather Kuyper-McKeithen, and Jessica Giffen to the Poet Laureate Selection Committee to terms ending December 31, 2028.
Legislation Text
Shaikh Appointment Packet
Scheitrum Reappointment Packet
Baca Appointment Packet
Shapazian Appointment Packet
Bohigian Reappointment Packet
Chapman Reappointment Packet
Harley Reappointment Packet
Kuyper-McKeithen Reappointment Packet
Giffen Reappointment Packet
2.-G. ID 24-1547 Award an equipment contract to Oshkosh Airport Products, a Division of Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., for the procurement of one Class 5, 3,000-gallon Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle for Fresno Yosemite International Airport in the amount of $1,421,363.47 (Council District 4)
Legislation Text
24-1547 Product Purchase Contract
2.-H. ID 24-1675 Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with Lighthouse for Children, Inc. allocating an additional $75,375 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support a partnership with the Dollywood Foundation implementing the Imagination Library program in the City of Fresno.
Legislation Text
24-1675 First Amendment Grant Agreement Lighthouse for Children
24-1675 Grant Agreement Lighthouse for Children
Supplemental Packet - 2-H ID 24-1675
2.-I. ID 24-1652 Submission and Acceptance of the City of Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax (Measure P) Report for Fiscal Year 2024.
Legislation Text
24-1652 Measure P Fund Financial Statements and Compliance Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2024
24-1652 City of Fresno-Measure P Audit Letter
2.-J. ID 24-1662 Approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Agreement with Borrelli and Associates, Inc. expanding services to revise the emergency back-up generation system by $24,300 for a total revised contract amount of $214,100 for the Municipal Service Center Electrical Infrastructure and Rehab project and authorize the General Servies Director or designee to execute all related documents (Council District 3)
Legislation Text
24-1662 Original Consultant Agreement
24-1662 First Amendment to Agreement
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