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City of Fresno
City Council on 2023-06-08 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: June 08, 2023 at 9:00am PDT
1 Comment
Closed for Comment June 07, 2023 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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1.-B. ID 23-842 Award a consultant services agreement to Chabin Concepts, Inc. to provide a U.S. Economic Development Administration compliant Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for an amount not to exceed $100,000, (Bid File 12301676)
Legislation Text
RFQ 12301676
Bid Evaluation Report.pdf
Chabin Agreement
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1.-C. ID 23-860 Approve a Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel in the amount not to exceed $261,000
Legislation Text
23-860 Consulting Services Agreement
1.-D. ID 23-817 Approve the award of a purchase contract to Bauer Compressors, Inc., California, for the purchase of MSA-G1 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) in the amount of $4,410,060.71 for the Fire Department (Bid File 12302062).
Legislation Text
Bid Evaluation 12302062
1.-E. ID 23-916 Actions pertaining to the replacement of customer relationship management software (Bid File 12300269) (Citywide): 1. Award a contract to Incapsulate, LLC for the Customer Relationship Management Replacement solution and implementation services in the amount of $395,723.80 for one year with the option of four, five-year extensions. 2. Approve the purchase of Salesforce cloud subscription licenses from Carahsoft Technology Corporation, at government approved pricing, in the amount of $610,343.91.
Legislation Text
Service Contract
Carahsoft Quote
Cost Proposal
Committee Evaluation Report
Fresno 311 City Council Presentation
1.-F. ID 23-451 Actions pertaining to Golden Bell Products, Inc., ("Golden Bell") as the Service Provider to purchase Insecta Access Structure Coating (Citywide): 1. RESOLUTION - Adopt a resolution authorizing an exception to the formal bidding procedures and award a Sole Source Purchasing Agreement with Golden Bell 2. Approve a multi-year sole source purchasing agreement with Golden Bell for the annual purchase and Citywide application of Insecta cockroach pesticide in identified City sanitary sewer access structures, in a total amount not to exceed $99,000 per year 3. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to execute a multi-year sole source purchasing agreement with Golden Bell for the annual purchase and Citywide application of Insecta cockroach pesticide in identified City sanitary sewer access structures, in a total amount not to exceed $99,000 per year for the next four years, with provisions for three one-year extensions.
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Sole Source Resolution.pdf
Attachment 2 - Sole Source Memorandum.pdf
Attachment 3 - Product and Service Agreement.pdf
1.-G. ID 23-851 Actions pertaining to a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park (Council District 3) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; 2. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Utilities or designee to accept funds and execute the financial assistance agreement and any amendments thereto with the California State Water Resources Control Board on behalf of the City of Fresno for a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Notice of Exemption.pdf
Attachment 2 - Environmental Assessment.pdf
Attachment 3 - Resolution.pdf
Attachment 4 - Application Three Palms MHP.pdf
Attachment 5 - Vicinity Map.pdf
1.-H. ID 23-882 Actions pertaining to Access Structures Rehabilitation in Fruit Avenue from North Avenue to Jensen Avenue (Bid File 12301561) (Unincorporated Fresno): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(d)/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 2. Award a construction contract to Floyd Johnston Construction, Inc., of Clovis, California, in the amount of $553,700.
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Bid Evaluation and Fiscal Impact Statement.pdf
Attachment 2 - Sample Contract.pdf
Attachment 3 - Vicinity Map.pdf
Attachment 4 - Notice of Exemption.pdf
Attachment 5 - Environmental Assessment.pdf
1.-I. ID 23-883 Approve the second amendment to the consultant services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., for the preparation of a Nitrate Initial Assessment to extend the term of the agreement (Council Districts 3 and 6).
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Second Amendment.pdf
Attachment 2 - First Amendment.pdf
Attachment 3 - Agreement.pdf
1.-J. ID 23-890 Award a Requirements Contract in the amount of $0 to Backflow Solutions Incorporated, of Chicago Illinois for backflow data management services and authorize the Director of Public Utilities or his designee, to execute a contract for a term of three years with the possibility of two one-year extensions - (Bid File 9664) (Citywide)
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Bid Evaluation BF 9664 Signed.pdf
Attachment 2 - Sample Contract.pdf
1.-K. ID 23-918 ***BILL B-15 - (Intro'd 5/25/2023)(For Adoption) - Repealing Section 6-516 of the Fresno Municipal Code and amending Section 6-501(ee) relating to transmission grid mains and associated reimbursements (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
Attachment - Ordinance v02.pdf
1.-L. ID 23-891 Actions pertaining to the North Fresno Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 6): 1. Adopt a finding of Statutory Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 and a "common sense" exemption under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). 2. Award a consultant services agreement to Carollo Engineers, Inc., a Delaware corporation, in the amount not to exceed $148,638, inclusive of a $15,000 contingency, to conduct a feasibility study for the expansion of the North Fresno Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 6).
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Consultant Services Agreement.pdf
1.-M. ID 23-876 Actions pertaining to on-call professional engineering services for the Public Works Traffic Operations and Planning Division for bicycle facilities planning (Citywide) 1. Approve an On-Call Consultant Services Agreement with TJKM Transportation Consultants, in the amount of $100,000 2. Approve an On-Call Consultant Services Agreement with Peters Engineering Group, in the amount of $100,000
Legislation Text
23-876 Consulting Services Agreement - TJKM Transportation Consultants
23-876 Consulting Services Agreement - Peters Engineering Group
1.-N. ID 23-902 Approve an agreement for professional engineering services with Quad Knopf Inc., of Fresno, California for $108,750, with a $10,000 contingency, for design and construction support services for the Vinland Park Pickleball Court Project (Council District 4)
Legislation Text
23-902 Consultant Agreement
23-902 Vicinity Map
23-902 Location Map
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