1.-LL. ID 22-613 Actions Pertaining to the Acquisition of property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the project.
2. Approve a Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Preservation and Use of the Tower Theatre Property and Authorizing Purchase of the Tower Theatre Property.
3. Approve a Joint Litigation, Defense, and Indemnity Agreement by and between the City of Fresno, the Tower Theatre Entities and Sequoia Brewery
4. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between City of Fresno, Tower Theater Productions, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, and Tower Theatre Productions for the Performing Arts for real property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03) for $6,500,000.
5. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between City of Fresno and J&A Mash & Barrell, LLC., and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company for a portion of the real property at 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03) for $1,200,000.
I strongly oppose any involvement by the City to use TAX PAYER MONEY to purchase The Tower Theater at 6.5 million dollars and float a LOAN to Sequoia Brewery for 30years at 3.5%. Ridiculous! Not only that, but cover the legal fees of both Laurence and Sequoia?!?! No, that is blatant abuse of Taxpayer Funds! When our Crime is out of control not just in the Tower but City Wide! This is an awful misappropriation of funds and must not be allowed.
I support the preservation of the Historic Tower Theater and preservation of the existing arts and entertainment district by keeping the current zoning as-is.
This would be a fantastic event to preserve the Tower Theater and the neighborhood. The theatre is the hub for our diverse all inclusive neighborhood for all to enjoy. The church’s behavior with regard to their purchase has been very divisive and not the least bit concerned about preserving what the Tower Theater represents or our neighborhood. Their refusal to disassociate themselves from the Proud Boys is one of many examples. I have lived in and around the Tower District for well over 25 years and I wish to see the uniqueness preserved.
Please see through the rumors spread by adventure church that Tower residents do not want a church in Tower. Some of us protestors are Christian but do not condone the fact that Laurence tried to sell the theater behind painted tables and me n eds back. That is suspicious, please preserve historic Tower district. Shady business deals and gentrification isn't welcome. I do not feel as safe as anywhere else and I do not want my favorite businesses to go under due to a rezone. Anthony Flores has done nothing for the community and the sale to a church will change an environment that didn't need changing or saving in the first place. Let Tower be. Tower residents have never created an issue with other churches so there's the proof it isn't about religion. Let us focus on why Abbate tried to sneakily sell the property and his intentions to wreck a community. He was 100% in the wrong and many booked acts cancelled their shows due to understanding the shady business practices. Please keep Tower for the people. Residents and Tower lovers do not deserve any more appearances from the terrorist group the proud boys(which is who comes out and Abbate and Flores shake their hands). This organized hate group doesn't belong in the loving environment that Tower district oozes daily. Horrible changes will come from allowing Abbate to sell to a cocky, pastor. It's been ungodly of him to smirk and taunt peaceful protestors. Tower forever
This is an imperative opportunity to salvage key aspects to Fresno’s community, and further provide equitable access to this culturally unifying hub. As a 559 local, it is hopeful witnessing elected officials prioritizing the voices of the public!
Im a life long resident of Fresno and I support the City of Fresno purchasing the Tower Theater. This space should be used for all Central Valley residents for all types of events.
I fully and enthusiastically support the City’s purchase of The Tower Theatre. It will preserve a historic treasure and the integrity of this neighborhood. Ensuring this art hub and icon is the right decision for our community and will hopefully put an end to the turmoil that has been caused by the current arrangement which violates municipal codes.
I support the city’s purchase of the Tower Theatre as a way to preserve the history of a community and it’s arts.
This historic building should be preserved and continue to exist as a space where community gathers and tourist can visit.
The previous arrangement violates municipal codes, but this new arrangement benefits the Tower District community and also works in tandem with the city.
I support city of Fresno buying the tower theater to keep our cultural arts district vibrant and diverse.
I support the sale to the City of Fresno.
I strongly oppose any involvement by the City to use TAX PAYER MONEY to purchase The Tower Theater at 6.5 million dollars and float a LOAN to Sequoia Brewery for 30years at 3.5%. Ridiculous! Not only that, but cover the legal fees of both Laurence and Sequoia?!?! No, that is blatant abuse of Taxpayer Funds! When our Crime is out of control not just in the Tower but City Wide! This is an awful misappropriation of funds and must not be allowed.
I support the city of Fresno purchasing the historic Tower theatre!
I support the preservation of the Historic Tower Theater and preservation of the existing arts and entertainment district by keeping the current zoning as-is.
I support the City purchase of the Tower Theater!
I support and encourage the city to purchase the tower theater.
I support the City of Fresno acquiring the Tower Theatre.
I support the City purchase of the Tower Theater!
This would be a fantastic event to preserve the Tower Theater and the neighborhood. The theatre is the hub for our diverse all inclusive neighborhood for all to enjoy. The church’s behavior with regard to their purchase has been very divisive and not the least bit concerned about preserving what the Tower Theater represents or our neighborhood. Their refusal to disassociate themselves from the Proud Boys is one of many examples. I have lived in and around the Tower District for well over 25 years and I wish to see the uniqueness preserved.
I support the City of Fresno acquiring the Tower Theatre.
Please see through the rumors spread by adventure church that Tower residents do not want a church in Tower. Some of us protestors are Christian but do not condone the fact that Laurence tried to sell the theater behind painted tables and me n eds back. That is suspicious, please preserve historic Tower district. Shady business deals and gentrification isn't welcome. I do not feel as safe as anywhere else and I do not want my favorite businesses to go under due to a rezone. Anthony Flores has done nothing for the community and the sale to a church will change an environment that didn't need changing or saving in the first place. Let Tower be. Tower residents have never created an issue with other churches so there's the proof it isn't about religion. Let us focus on why Abbate tried to sneakily sell the property and his intentions to wreck a community. He was 100% in the wrong and many booked acts cancelled their shows due to understanding the shady business practices. Please keep Tower for the people. Residents and Tower lovers do not deserve any more appearances from the terrorist group the proud boys(which is who comes out and Abbate and Flores shake their hands). This organized hate group doesn't belong in the loving environment that Tower district oozes daily. Horrible changes will come from allowing Abbate to sell to a cocky, pastor. It's been ungodly of him to smirk and taunt peaceful protestors. Tower forever
Please purchase the property for our city and utilize it for ALL of our people.
This is an imperative opportunity to salvage key aspects to Fresno’s community, and further provide equitable access to this culturally unifying hub. As a 559 local, it is hopeful witnessing elected officials prioritizing the voices of the public!
Im a life long resident of Fresno and I support the City of Fresno purchasing the Tower Theater. This space should be used for all Central Valley residents for all types of events.
Support! Definitely a great investment in for the community.
All for city owned Tower theater!!!
I fully and enthusiastically support the City’s purchase of The Tower Theatre. It will preserve a historic treasure and the integrity of this neighborhood. Ensuring this art hub and icon is the right decision for our community and will hopefully put an end to the turmoil that has been caused by the current arrangement which violates municipal codes.
I support the city’s purchase of the Tower Theatre as a way to preserve the history of a community and it’s arts.
This historic building should be preserved and continue to exist as a space where community gathers and tourist can visit.
The previous arrangement violates municipal codes, but this new arrangement benefits the Tower District community and also works in tandem with the city.