1-S ID 20-00493 Consider emergency amendment to FMC Article 5, Emergency Services Ordinance, to extend the eviction moratorium for so long as the City's declaration of local emergency is in effect (requires 5 affirmative votes).
In support of this agenda item, COVID-19 has hurt our community by job loss, our families don't deserve the burden of paying back rent when they can barely afford to keep housing. During this time our community must be prioritized and heard. Elimination of evictions and rent freezes are NECESSARY.
It is humane, compassionate, and necessary that if SHELTER IN PLACE is to continue that we as a city make accommodations for our citizens. Many people are finding that wages, hours, or even jobs are cut. If we hope to bounce back we need to provide a way for people to sustain until the time being.
The city should be proactive and move to rent forgiveness for those that are experiencing job loss and facing homelessness. Provide relief for the unhoused by contracting with wealthy hotels that surround our downtown and are experiencing a lull in guests. Make businesses pay their fair share.
I support this agenda item and ask the council to add extra support for our most vulnerable families. COVID has affected my family and my community by creating uncertainty of income. Safe housing MUST be prioritized. We must stand together and not evict anyone during crisis. Prioritize humanity.
In support of this agenda item, COVID-19 has hurt our community by job loss, our families don't deserve the burden of paying back rent when they can barely afford to keep housing. During this time our community must be prioritized and heard. Elimination of evictions and rent freezes are NECESSARY.
It is humane, compassionate, and necessary that if SHELTER IN PLACE is to continue that we as a city make accommodations for our citizens. Many people are finding that wages, hours, or even jobs are cut. If we hope to bounce back we need to provide a way for people to sustain until the time being.
The city should be proactive and move to rent forgiveness for those that are experiencing job loss and facing homelessness. Provide relief for the unhoused by contracting with wealthy hotels that surround our downtown and are experiencing a lull in guests. Make businesses pay their fair share.
I support this agenda item and ask the council to add extra support for our most vulnerable families. COVID has affected my family and my community by creating uncertainty of income. Safe housing MUST be prioritized. We must stand together and not evict anyone during crisis. Prioritize humanity.