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City of Fresno
City Council on 2020-03-05 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: March 05, 2020 at 9:00am PST
Closed for Comment March 04, 2020 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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1-A ID 20-00279 Approval of the February 27, 2020 City Council minutes
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes for 2-27-2020.pdf
1-B ID 20-0025 Action pertaining to the 555th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule: 1. Adopt a finding of statutory exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15273(a) for amendments to the Fire Department's fees for Fire Inspection and Prevention and related services. 2. ***RESOLUTION - 555th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule No. 80-420, to add, adjust, revise, or delete various Fire Department fees (subject to Mayor's veto).
Legislation Text
Exhibit A Redline - 555th Amend.pdf
NBS-2011 Fire Department User and Regulatoy Fee Analysis Final Report.pdf
Fresno_Fire Prevention_NBSMemo_1.24.20_LG.pdf
1-C ID 20-00280 Approve Agreement and First Amendment pertaining to the reimbursable training program between California Office of Emergency Services (CA OES): 1. Approve Agreement and First Amendment with CA OES totaling $190,000 2. ***RESOLUTION - 35th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2019-133 appropriating $190,000 for a reimbursable training program with the California Office of Emergency Services CA OES. (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's veto)
Legislation Text
OES Agreement 6148-2018 Fully Executed.pdf
OES Contract Agreement 6148-2018 Amd 1.pdf
20 35th CalOES_PR.pdf
1-D ID 20-00217 Actions pertaining to Blackstone Avenue-Friant Road Corridor Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Adaptive Project (from McKinley to Shepherd Avenues) - Bid File No. 3712 (Council Districts 2, 4, 6 and 7) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff's determination, pursuant to Section 15301(c) Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA) 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,776,613 to Audeamus Inc., dba Sebastian of Fresno, CA, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Blackstone Avenue-Friant Road Corridor ITS Adaptive Project (from McKinley to Shepherd Avenues)
Legislation Text
20-00217 Bid Evaluation
20-00217 Fiscal Impact Statement
20-00217 CEQA Notice of Exception
20-00217 Vicinity Map
20-00217 Standardized Contract
1-E ID 20-00233 Annual update of the Traffic Operations and Planning Division lists for new traffic signal installations and traffic signal left turn phasing modifications. (Citywide)
Legislation Text
20-00233 A - Traffic Operations and Planning Division 2020 New Traffic Signal Locations
20-00233 B - Traffic Operations and Planning Division 2020 Warranted Left Turn Signal Phasing
1-F ID 20-00258 Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for $192,338 with a $10,000 contingency for design and construction support services for the Ashlan Avenue Widening Project between Polk Avenue and Cornelia Avenue (Council District 1)
Legislation Text
20-00258 Vicinity Map
20-00258 Consultant Agreement
1-G ID 20-00260 ***RESOLUTION - 29th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2019-133 to appropriate $85,000 for the Trail Network Wayfinding Plan Project (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor's veto) (Requires 5 affirmative votes)
Legislation Text
20-00260 29th Amendment to the AAR Resolution No. 2019-133
1-H ID 20-00261 Actions pertaining to the South Van Ness Industrial Area Roadway and Utilities Infrastructure Improvement Project (Project) - Bid File No. 3662 (Council Districts 3 and 5) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Sections 15301/Class 1, 15302/Class 2, 15303/Class 3 and 15304/Class 4 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $3,290,000.00 to Doug Ross, Inc., dba Central Valley Asphalt of Fresno, California
Legislation Text
20-00261 Bid Evaluation
20-00261 Fiscal Impact Statement
20-00261 Environmental Assessment No. P18-01360
20-00261 Standardized Contract
20-00261 Vicinity Map
1-J ID 20-00291 Approve an agreement for professional engineering services with WRT, Inc. of San Francisco, California for $357,000, plus a $35,700 contingency, for design and construction support services for the Mariposa Plaza Project (Council District 3)
Legislation Text
20-00291 Vicinity Map
20-00291 Consultant Agreement
1-K ID 20-00298 RESOLUTION - Declaring Pride Park (APN 467-29-205T), Belmont/Dewitt (APN 456-030-34T) and 735 H Street (APN 467-040-23ST) to be surplus and directing staff to comply with the Surplus Land Act
Legislation Text
1-L ID 20-00324 APPROVE - First Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement by and between the City of Fresno and Tutelian & Company, Inc.
Legislation Text
First Amendment to ENA
Exhibit A Map
Development Plan
Additional Information - Communication Letters.pdf
1-M ID 20-0064 RESOLUTION - To Adopt an Updated Appointment Process for City of Fresno Boards and Commissions
Legislation Text
Attachment A
Initialed RESO - Boards and Commissions.pdf
1-N ID 20-00320 ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing Dissolution of the Capital Project Oversight Board of the City of Fresno and rescinding Resolutions Nos. 2015-34 and 2015-82 (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Legislation Text
1-O ID 20-00321 Reject all bids for a Services Agreement for weeds and public nuisance abatement. (Bid File 9522)
Legislation Text
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