Meeting Time: October 10, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

ID 24-1306 HEARING to consider initiation of the Tower District Specific Plan update, pertaining to all properties located within the boundaries of the Tower District Specific Plan area of the Fresno General Plan. 1. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02869 initiating the Tower District Specific Plan Draft Land Use Map and Draft Specific Plan update 2. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02420 initiating preparation of the Tower Entertainment District Overlay 3. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02871 initiating preparation of the Tower District Specific Plan Objective Design Standards 4. Second contract amendment extending the Consultant Services Agreement with Wallace, Roberts and Todd (WRT) to June 30, 2025.

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    Dan Waterhouse 4 months ago

    In regards to the Tower Entertainment District overlay, the map doesn’t make sense south of Olive Avenue. It proposes to extend well south of Olive along Fulton and Van Ness to include the north side of Belmont. There are no venues along that stretch of Belmont except Marlos (which isn’t included). The long closed building at Belmont and Broadway (that was a restaurant or night club) was such a poor neighbor that the City basically declared that it could never be used as a venue back in the 1990s. The other uses on the north side of the street are not conducive to entertainment sites.