Meeting Time: September 26, 2024 at 9:00am PDT


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Agenda Item

2.-L. ID 24-1303 Actions pertaining to the Fresno Police Department's Air Support "Skywatch" Unit lease purchase and installation agreements with Airbus, Inc. and Hangar One, Inc. 1. Award a sole source agreement with Airbus Inc. for a lease of 10 years in an amount not to exceed $4,700,833.01 including 8.35% tax for the purchase and maintenance of one H125 helicopter to provide airborne law enforcement, fire suppression, air ambulance, search and rescue and many other public and private operations with specific mission needs within the city. 2. Award a sole source agreement with Hangar One, Inc. for a lease of 10 years in an amount not to exceed $2,226,224.54 including 7.75% tax for purchase and installation of police equipment on the H125 helicopter. 3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a resolution authorizing an exception to formal bidding procedures and approving the sole source purchase of an Airbus H125 Helicopter for the Fresno Police Department (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a Resolution authorizing an exception to formal bidding procedures and approving the sole source purchase and installation of Police equipment on an Airbus H125 Helicopter for the Fresno Police Department (Subject to Mayor's Veto)

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