Meeting Time: August 29, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.-GG. ID 24-1132 Actions pertaining to breeding, transfer, sale of dogs and cats and licensing of dogs: 1. ***BILL B-26 - (Intro'd 8/15/2024)(For Adoption) Amending Chapter 10, Article 3, Section 10-328 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to breeding, transfer and sale of dogs and cats (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Rescinding Resolution Number 2024-134 relating to a temporary moratorium on the issuance of new unaltered dog licenses, increased penalties, and development of a citywide program to reduce unauthorized breeding. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)

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    Doug Tucker 6 months ago

    While there needs to be changes due to the overcrowding in shelters, breeding restrictions such as those proposed are inconceivable. A responsible breeder should be breeding for the betterment of the breed. Responsible breeders should be investing into health testing, confirmation, etc, and should have contracts in place preventing the dumping of their dogs from their breeding, such as taking said dogs back from a buyer if they are no longer able to keep them, etc. If an ordinance such as this goes into place, the responsible breeders who spend literally thousands of dollars on testing, veterinary care, birthing, whelping etc will be crippled. The cost proposed for the license and only allowing one litter per year is outrageous. Some breeds whelp 1-2 puppies per litter and with the cost of c-sections, testing, veterinary care, etc the responsible breeder will be losing thousands in its investments. Most responsible breeders have not only invested money, but many years showing their dogs in confirmation, again for the betterment of the breed.
    I suggest consulting with local responsible breeders for information on how this ordinance could be better handled so it doesn’t cripple them. A backyard breeder or someone who just accidentally has puppies are the ones who need to be gone after, not the responsible breeder. I ask you to please take more time on the details of this ordinance and reconsider what is proposed.