Meeting Time: August 29, 2024 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.-C. ID 24-1164 Actions pertaining to allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funding: 1. Approve the recommendation of seven service proposals allocating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for local Community Based Organizations (CBOs) totaling $100,000 (Bid File 12402305) to the following organizations: (1) Trans-e-motion $10,000; (2) BlaQueer Fresno $20,000; (3) Casita Feliz $13,500; (4) Dulce Upfront Labs $13,600; (5) South Tower Land Trust $25,000; (6) LGBTQ Fresno $12,740; (7) Oasis Legal $5,160; 2. RESOLUTION - Granting Authority to the City Manager or designee to enter into agreements with Community Based Organizations to provide programs and services funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to aid in the COVID-19 Recovery Effort.

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    Adam Chang 4 months ago

    Since 2022, Oasis Legal Services has been a direct service provider for low-income LGBTQ+ immigrants in Fresno, serving dozens of new asylum seekers each year. Our clients are forced to flee persecution abroad due to their sexuality, gender, and/or HIV status. They are survivors, contributing members of society, and deserve support from the city they now call home. City funding for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers is a step towards healing and reconciliation, bolstering efforts to ensure that diversity and equity are prioritized. Committing $100,000 to multiple nonprofit organizations directly serving LGBTQ+ individuals is historic. Oasis’ legal and social services ensure the wellness of each of our clients who have been denied basic human rights. However, the recommended funding amount of $5,160 to Oasis is unconscionably low. While honored to be considered, we request a reassessment, as the nature of our work saves lives and prevents the forced return of individuals who would face extreme anti-LGBTQ+ violence in their countries of origin. Institutional barriers remain high for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking immigration and social services. Community members turn to Oasis as a trusted organization. A delay of funding direct services is a delay to equitable access for those most marginalized. Oasis remains steadfast in advancing the wellness of the LGBTQ+ immigrant community with the support of Fresno City and its leaders.