ID 24-424 Consideration of an appeal related to Zoning Inquiry No. P23-02357 for Bauer's Towing located on approximately 0.71 acres between West Voorman and West Nielsen Avenues, west of North Thorne Avenue in Fresno, California (Council District 3) - Planning and Development Department.
1. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the determination that Bauer's Towing is not in conformance with Policy and Procedure No. C-002 as reflected in the Zoning Inquiry response dated September 26, 2023, as prepared by the Planning and Development Department Director; and
2. Deny the appeal and UPHOLD the determination in the Zoning Inquiry response dated September 26, 2023, that Bauer's Towing is a legal non-conforming use and, absent any expansion and/or change in use, could continue to operate indefinitely.