Meeting Time: February 22, 2024 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.-HH. ID 24-130 RESOLUTION - Repealing and Replacing Resolutions 2004-6, 2004-185 and 2020-43, Establishing the Procedure for the Creation of Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Similar Bodies of the City of Fresno, and Establishing the Appointment Process

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    Lynn Owens 7 months ago

    Please provide links to FMC being replaced for the convenience of City Council & Concerned Busy Citizens. If these Agendas were just a tad more user friendly & descriptive , it may be easier all around.

    Are the 3 ordinances/codes being condensed? Updated? Weakened? Clarified?
    What is being added & what removed? I believe the catalyst was the Ad-Hoc Budget Committee. Fresno seems to stand alone in insisting that is Okay. I know residents disagree.

    How exactly is this going through Prevent these SCANDALOUS issues⁉️
    What if City Council doesn't listen to the Committee?
    Are they ALLOWED to talk about it? To TELL the Public⁉️

    Is this written with MAXIMUM TRANSPARENCY required⁉️