Meeting Time: February 22, 2024 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.-BB. ID 24-226 Actions pertaining to the 2023 Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Grant Program: 1. Authorize the Chief of Police to accept grant funding in the total amount of $17,406 for the 2023 Off-Highway Vehicle grant program awarded to the Fresno Police Department from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation; 2. Authorize the Chief of Police to execute the agreement and all related documents applicable to the 2023 OHV grant including amendments and extensions; 3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a Resolution authorizing acceptance of $17,406 in grant funding from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Fresno Police Department's 2023 Off-Highway Vehicle grant (Subject to Mayor's Veto); 4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 38th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 to appropriate $17,406 for the Police Department's Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant program (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto).