ID 23-1323 Actions pertaining to the acquisition of fee interest and a permanent street easement and right of way for the construction of a storm drain pipeline along the McKinley Avenue alignment between Armstrong Avenue and Laverne Avenue (Council District 7)
1. HEARING to consider a resolution of public use and necessity for acquisition of fee interest and a permanent street easement and rights of way for public street purposes over, under, through and across portions of Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 574-130-05, owned by Sukhwinder Singh, for the construction of a storm drain pipeline between Armstrong Avenue and Laverne Avenue (Project)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and necessity require acquisition of fee interest and permanent easement and rights of way for public street purposes over, under, through and across portions of APN 574-130-05, owned by Sukhwinder Singh, a married man as his sole and separate property, for the construction of a storm drain pipeline between Armstrong Avenue and Laverne Avenue and authorizing eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto)