1.-R. ID 23-1343 Actions related to the acquisition of Travelodge Motel, located at 3876 North Blackstone Avenue (436-260-22) to facilitate the development of permanent affordable housing (District 4):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15301/Class 1 and 15332/Class 32 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing use of Encampment Resolution Funds for the acquisition of Travelodge Motel in an amount not to exceed $4,401,709.00 (Subject to Mayor's veto).
3. Approve a month-to-month lease agreement for up to 12 months with Shiv Investments, Inc., for the Travelodge located at 3876 North Blackstone Avenue (436-260-22) for $1,000 per month effective upon execution and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contract related documents on behalf of the City.