Meeting Time: July 20, 2023 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3.-B. ID 23-1130 Actions pertaining to the creation of the Capital Projects Department within the City of Fresno: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Creating the Capital Projects Department within the City of Fresno (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 6th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 appropriating $50,000,000 for the Downtown Fresno Public Infrastructure Improvement Projects and to reclassify $4,492,800 from the Department of Public Works and $1,867,900 from the Department of Public Utilities into the new Capital Projects Department (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the First Amendment to the Position Authorization Resolution (PAR) No. 2023-184 adding 46 position and transferring 74 positions from the Department of Public Works and 20 positions from the Department of Public Utilities to The Capital Projects Department. (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the First Amendment to the FY 2024 Salary Resolution No. 2023-183, amending Exhibit 13-1, Unit 13, Exempt Supervisory and Professional (CFPEA) by increasing the salary step plan for Professional Engineer; and amending Exhibit 14, Unit 14, Exempt Management Classes (CFMEA) by retitling Public Works/Public Utilities Manager - Licensed Engineer to Licensed Engineer Manager and increasing the salary step range for the classification; and amending Exhibit 2, Non-Represented Management and Confidential Classes by increasing the Maximum of Range E5. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)