ID 23-359 Actions pertaining to the acquisition of easements and right of way for the MLK Center Active Transportation Project (Council District 3)
1) HEARING to consider a resolution of public use and necessity for acquisition of easements and rights of way for public street purposes over, under, through and across portions of APN 479-050-04, owned by Ruth McDonald and Florine Parish, for the construction of a concrete public sidewalk, concrete curb ramp and installation of public utilities along a portion of South Walnut Avenue and East Grove Avenue
2) Adopt a finding of Categorial Exemption pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15301/Class 1, 15303/Class 3, and 15304/Class 4 for the MLK Center Active Transportation Project
3) ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and necessity require acquisition of easements and rights of way for public street purposes over, under, through and across portions of APN 479-050-04, owned by Ruth McDonald and Florine Parish, for the construction of a public sidewalk, concrete curb ramp and installation of public utilities along a portion of South Walnut Avenue and East Grove Avenue and authorizing eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto)