1.-M. ID 22-1295 Actions pertaining to the allocation of funding for the Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative Grant Program:
1. Approve the recommendation of grant proposals allocating $950,000 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and $550,000 in General Fund to local Community Based Organizations totaling $1,500,000 to the following organizations: Boys and Girls Clubs of Fresno County ($180,000); Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission/Advance Peace ($375,000); Hope Now for Youth ($130,000); Live Again Fresno ($150,000); The Resiliency Center ($50,000); Take a Stand Committee ($50,000); Trauma Research and Education Foundation of Fresno ($130,000); and a combined total of $435,000 to the following collaborative partners: West Fresno Health Care Coalition dba West Fresno Family Resource Center ($150,000)/Brain Wise Solutions ($25,000), Every Neighborhood Partnership ($75,000)/Gidai Maaza ($35,000), HandsOn Central California/Fresno Street Saints ($75,000), and the Fresno Police Activities League ($75,000).
2. ****RESOLUTION - Granting Authority to the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Director or their Designee to Enter Into Agreements with Community Based Organizations For One Year With The Option of One, One-Year Extension and Amendment to Provide Programs and Services Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and General Fund to Aid in the COVID-19 Recovery Effort. (Subject to Mayor's Veto) (Citywide)
We need the resources that these groups provide. I want to ask that more money be allocated to Advance Peace, and potentially to other groups. The program has shown itself to be effective everywhere it's implemented in reducing crime. With the issues we have been having in our community, it should be a priority, back by greater investment, to fund these prevention programs. The city has invested millions into different programs in the police department. These prevention programs deserve much more funding that is being proposed.
We need the resources that these groups provide. I want to ask that more money be allocated to Advance Peace, and potentially to other groups. The program has shown itself to be effective everywhere it's implemented in reducing crime. With the issues we have been having in our community, it should be a priority, back by greater investment, to fund these prevention programs. The city has invested millions into different programs in the police department. These prevention programs deserve much more funding that is being proposed.