City of Fresno
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City of Fresno
City Council on 2021-12-02 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Meeting Time: December 02, 2021 at 9:00am PST
Closed for Comment December 01, 2021 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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1.-A. ID 21-031 Approval of minutes for the November 3, 2021 Special Closed Session City Council Meeting, the November 4, 2021 Special Closed Session City Council Meeting and the November 4, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting.
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes for November 3 2021 Special Meeting
Draft Minutes for November 4 2021 Special Meeting
Draft Minutes for November 4 2021 Regular Meeting
1.-B. ID 21-865 Award a three-year Requirements Contract to RO Bus Sales of Corona, California, for Medium Accessible Paratransit Cutaways Unleaded Buses for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express Handy Ride to purchase no more than 69 buses for a total amount of $7,235,874.98 plus annual CPI adjustments, and authorize the Director of Transportation, or designee, to execute the contract documents (Bid File 9576).
Legislation Text
Bid Evaluation
1.-C. ID 21-866 Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35 for the Police Department. Delay of action on this item will result in an additional six months added to the procurement as a result of COVID-19 pandemic supply constraints (Bid File 3841).
Legislation Text
Bid Evaluation 3841
Public Comment- Late Submissions
1.-D. ID 21-867 Authorize the Director of Transportation or designee, to execute an agreement between the City of Fresno and California State University, Fresno (CSUF) allowing CSUF students, staff, and faculty to use their university-issued identification cards to access Fresno Area Express (FAX) fixed-route buses at no cost.
Legislation Text
Agreement between CSUF and COF through FAX
1.-E. ID 21-772 Authorize the Director of the Department of Transportation (or designee) to enter into an Agreement with Fresno Unified School District, to enable the Municipal Fleet Division to become a work-based learning location for non-paid student internships focused on automotive technologies and fleet maintenance through June 1, 2023, with provisions for three one-year extensions, at no cost to the City. This fits within the Mayor's One Fresno Vision for Youth Initiatives and Economic Mobility, as this includes job training, education, and access to a career path.
Legislation Text
Contract with FUSD
1.-F. ID 21-872 Actions pertaining to as needed coating inspection services for Department of Public Utilities infrastructure (Citywide): 1. Approve a consultant services agreement with Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $250,000 2. Approve a consultant services agreement with Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc., for an amount not to exceed to $250,000
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Consultant services agreement with Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc.
Attachment 2 - Consultant services agreement with Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc.
1.-G. ID 21-880 Actions pertaining to a solar and energy storage project at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3): 1. Adopt the Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration SCH No. 2012061089, dated November 10, 2021, prepared for the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Solar Power Project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164. 2. Approve an Amended and Restated cooperative purchase Energy Services Agreement-Energy Storage with FFP BTM Solar, LLC, for the design, financing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of a 2,310.3 / 9,241.2 kWh (estimated) energy storage system at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility to obtain energy demand reductions.
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared for Environmental Assessment No. C-12-113 SCH #2012061089.pdf
Attachment 2 - Amended and Restated Cooperative Purchase Energy Services Agreement - Energy Storage; Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility .pdf
1.-H. ID 21-900 Actions pertaining to the waste gas flare at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Bid File No. 3750) (District 3): 1. Award a construction contract to W.M. Lyles Co., in the amount of $6,395,900 for construction of Waste Gas Flare Improvements 2. Approve the Second Amendment to the consultant services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., to extend the term of the contract from March 31, 2022, to January 31, 2023, for professional engineering services during construction (no additional dollars)
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Evaluation of Bids.pdf
Attachment 2 - Fiscal Impact Statement.pdf
Attachment 3- Sample Contract.docx
Attachment 4 - Vicinity Map.pdf
Attachment 5 - Second Amendment.pdf
Attachment 6 - First Amendment.pdf
Attachment 7 - Consultant Services Agreement - Carollo.pdf
1.-I. ID 21-877 Reject all bids for the Furnish and Install Contract for the purchase and installation of a replacement control valve on the Friant-Kern Canal Pipeline at the City of Fresno's Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (Bid File 3786) (Council District 6).
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Bid Evaluation and Fiscal Impact Statement
Attachment 2 - Vicinity Map
1.-J. ID 21-876 Approve Amendment No. 7 to the November 17, 2016 Copper River Ranch Water Supply Implementation Agreement requesting to eliminate the requirement for the construction of PS 371 following a new water supply analysis conducted by the Developer (Council District 6).
Legislation Text
Seventh Amendment to the Copper River Ranch Water Supply Implementation Agreement.pdf
1.-K. ID 21-887 Actions pertaining to a Solar Energy Ground Lease between City of Fresno and Fresno Community Solar Developers, LLC., at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3): 1. Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498 dated November 10, 2021, and Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498 dated November 23, 2021, prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15070 through 15075, and find based on the City's own independent judgment and analysis, that with the mitigation incorporated, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Approve the Agreement for Solar Energy Ground Lease between City of Fresno and Fresno Community Solar Developers, LLC., to lease 74.41 acres of land at the Fresno Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility to generate solar energy under the California Public Utilities Commission Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff Program.
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Agreement for Solar Energy Ground Lease
Attachment 2 - Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498
Attachment 3 - Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498
1.-L. ID 21-882 Actions pertaining to a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. BILL - (For introduction) Amending Article 1 of Chapter 6 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to billing and collection procedures for municipal utilities
Legislation Text
Attachment 1 - Resolution Adopting a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy.pdf
Attachment 2 - Bill Amending Article 1 of Chapter 6 of the Fresno Municipal Code.pdf
1.-M. ID 21-881 ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Department of Public Utilities to apply for and participate in the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
Legislation Text
Attachment - Resolution.pdf
1.-N. ID 21-885 Award a Requirements Contract for Citywide Copier Lease Program in the amount of $386,500.00 per year for five years with an option for four one-year extensions to Ray Morgan Company, of Fresno, CA, Bid File No. 9592.
Legislation Text
Committee Evaluation Report
RFP #9592 Evaluation Form
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