Meeting Time: December 10, 2020 at 12:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

A ID 21-039 ***RESOLUTION - Directing the use of General Fund to pay for COVID-19 responsive measures (Subject to Mayor's veto).

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    Lauren Ladeairous over 4 years ago

    I am opposed to the proposal of limiting back yard gatherings. The state ordinance is an over reach of our rights as it is. The scientific data is not there that the lockdowns and masks are working.

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    Mandy Lorenzi over 4 years ago

    I read an article in the Fresno bee that there was an attempt to add a vote to the 12:30 PM agenda. In regard to an ordinance to allow the city ability to interfere with backyard gatherings. I would like to note that there is a requirement to provide a one hour notice to the public before adding to the agenda. It is 11:51 AM and it has still not been added to the agenda. Therefore, it should not be voted for at this time to allow the public ample time to comment.

    Hi I am opposed to the proposal. It is a violation of our constitutional rights to assemble peacefully. Is an overreach of government. We cannot prevent every possible situation that could lead to exposure. If these people can gather inside Walmart, then what will this do other than serve as a free pass to interfere in the lives of Americans.

    Backyard gatherings are outdoors allow for fresh air, physical distancing, and are much safer than indoor gatherings. Much safer than going to Walmart or Costco. Do not penalize the people who stay away from these places but hold backyard religious gatherings or funerals or even celebrations.

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    Debra Shay over 4 years ago

    I am not sure if this is the right place to comment on the Ordinance that would limit private gatherings to 15 people or less. I am opposed to this ordinance. 1. Educate us on the risks of gathering in large groups. But then let the individual use their own God given mind to decide what risk they are willing to take. 2. The police have their hands full trying to arrest "real criminals". They do not need more things to enforce.

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    George Hobbs over 4 years ago

    The federal government has given plenty of funding to the City of Fresno for Covid responsive measures. If the funds were mismanaged, City Council chose to over spend, or the City of Fresno did not chose the best deals, that's not the fault of tax payers. The general fund is already being depleted rapidly trying to keep public safety funded.

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    gina munoz over 4 years ago

    emergency amendment 2-514 vote no
    death is inevitable live now
    gina m.