Meeting Time: December 08, 2020 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

ID 20-001707 BILL (for introduction and adoption) - Adopting emergency amendment to Section 2-514 of the Fresno Municipal Code (Response to COVID-19 Emergency) to prohibit residential gatherings of 15 or more people (requires 5 votes)

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    M Reyna over 4 years ago

    At which point do we ask ourselves - 1) doesn't the police chief, and Fresno Police Department work for the City of Fresno and the Citizens of Fresno? Why would the department make a statement prematurely, without direction from the city. Statements like these are undermining our local government leaders and their decisions they make. Agreed, don't use FPD, they are not needed - a code enforcement officer can educate just the same, with probably less confrontation then police showing up with lights on making a scene.

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    Andrew Poland over 4 years ago

    This is a waste of taxpayers money. While you sit in your room and take away our freedoms you are missing the bigger picture. Every citizen's health is their own responsibility. I will wear a mask for myself, not for you. If you are afraid or have fear then stay home. It's amazing what can happen when you allow the citizens to make their own choices. sure there will be some people who make poor choices, but who are we to judge everyone by the actions of a few. Everyone thinks that they can control a virus, they obviously know nothing about viruses. The same goes for human beings. Those who are asleep you will be able to control, the rest of us you cannot. If the penalty for a crime is a fine, Then that crime is only for the poor.

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    Mandy Lorenzi over 4 years ago

    This proposal removes the common sense from the capable shoulders of Fresno residents. Most of us agree that large gatherings are an unnecessary risk. For some, these risks have legitimate reasons. Introducing a fine for a flat number of people overlooks context of many reasonable personal, spiritual and familial situations.

    Family units make up more than just who resides together. Often there are a collection of families who are communally caring for aging parents and children in combined households.

    Applying this prescription universally has the unintended impact of adversely restricting poor households moreso than rich.

    We cannot oversee and enforce every home—it’s overreach.

    Let’s remember that safety procedures that are being followed in other public places can be followed in the home as well. We are sensible people that do not need these fines to teach us common sense.

    This fine will not change a thing except who is hurt most. The poor large families who have to use the support of one another in order to live will still gather in excess of 15 people, and the rich people who can afford the fine will still have their bougie parties in excess of 15 people. Leave common sense in the sense of commoners.

    Furthermore, to verify the number of people within the home would require inspecting the home which is unconstitutional. We are in no position to set a precedent like this, it is an assault on freedom.

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    Christopher Molina over 4 years ago

    Stop giving in to these people who's beliefs have no basis in reality. Limit gatherings and have PD actually enforce it with their outrageous budget.

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    Concerned Citizen over 4 years ago

    I have a friend who is symptomatic and tested positive for covid on Friday who AFTER they confirmed they had it went to the car show in Clovis on Sunday as well as a couple of different bars over the weekend. They don’t think masks work and don’t think it’s serious since they are only having mild symptoms.

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    N C over 4 years ago

    I feel it is in the best interest for our elected officials to come together on a plan that puts the health and safety of this community first. That we show our support for our healthcare workers and hospitals. We are relying on our elected officials to protect the health and well being of it’s citizens. Please put aside partisan comments and divisive statements and altruisms and instead find solutions for the greater interest of our community that you can all agree on and stand behind.

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    James Mason over 4 years ago

    I do not live in the city of Fresno, however I feel compelled to speak on this issue. If you vote this in you will be violating the, 1st, 3rd., 4th, and 14th. Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. You also put Fresno P.D. in the position of trying to enforce a UNCONSTITUTIONAL Law.