Meeting Time: October 14, 2020 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

ID 20-001281 Parks, After School, Recreation & Community Services (PARCS)

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    Kiel LopezSchmidt over 4 years ago

    Since 2017, when City of Fresno first attempted to rezone the former police station property without neighborhood notice, I have been leading a neighborhood outreach and organizing effort for the neighborhood to have a say in how the public land is used. In that time over 500 neighbors have participated in and share a vision for Broadway Parque on public land at Broadway & Elizabeth. From surveying, we have over 90% neighbor support for park as the best option for the land. The plan we've provided the City of Fresno has Lowell CDC as development lead with construction complete October 2022. So we're not asking for inclusion in PARCS maintenance budget until two more budget years. We ask the City to allow our grassroots park coalition to continue our grant writing for State and foundation capital. City should plan to add maintenance dollars ($40,000/year) in the future budget (FY 2023). We even have options to reduce maintenance burden on City down to $20,000/year. Our neighborhood deserves a park and we won't stop working to make it happen.