1-J ID 20-001196 Actions pertaining to the Veterans Boulevard State Route 99 Interchange and Extension Project (Council District 2):
1. ***RESOLUTION - 25th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2020-159 appropriating $523,800 for the Veterans Boulevard Project (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's veto)
2. Approve Amendment No. 5 to Cooperative Project Agreement Short-Term Regional Transportation Program Project N1 Urban, Veterans Boulevard / State Route 99 Interchange and Grade Separation, in the amount of $36,347,000, with the Fresno County Transportation Authority
3. Approve Cooperative Project Agreement Short-Term Regional Transportation Program Urban Project N2, Veterans Boulevard Connect State Route 99 Interchange, in the amount of $4,544,000, with the Fresno County Transportation Authority
4. Approve Cooperative Agreement 06-1720 with the California Department of Transportation for construction oversight of the Veterans Boulevard / State Route 99 Interchange Project