Meeting Time: August 27, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1-I ID 20-00980 Report to Council by Tutelian & Company, Inc. regarding First Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement between the City of Fresno and Tutelian & Company, Inc.

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    Carson Conley over 4 years ago

    Fresno needs more parking

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    Jacqueline Campos over 4 years ago

    Downtown Fresno does NOT need additional parking structures.

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    Matthew Ramirez over 4 years ago

    a new parking structure is the opposite of what downtown fresno, its residents, and our environment needs. downtown fresno’s parking structures are never at full capacity. i can see the selfish motive in those leading our city to steal from our residents by making us pay for more parking just to pay TO park.You should be making proposals to remove parking meters so that middle and lower class families can afford to visit their own downtown.

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    King Baptista over 4 years ago

    a new parking structure is the opposite of what downtown fresno, its residents, and our environment needs. downtown fresno’s parking structures are never at full capacity. i can see the selfish motive in those leading our city to steal from our residents by making us pay for more parking just to pay TO park.You should be making proposals to remove parking meters so that middle and lower class families can afford to visit their own downtown.

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    Rosalie Baptista over 4 years ago

    As is the parking lots we have downtown generally do not reach max capacity. If money must be used for transportation, it should be used for supporting and creating eco-friendly transportation like biking and public transportation. If it can be allocated elsewhere, money needs to go into supporting small businesses and providing affordable and accessible resources for our community.
    If a parking lot goes up you will be putting contract money ahead of the needs of our community and environment.
    We're watching and remember we can vote yall out.

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    JV Villarreal over 4 years ago

    I oppose

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    Michael Mayfield over 4 years ago

    Parking structures are convenient, but they enable us to take us space with our polluting wagons. I’d rather see more mixed urban use in this space and a plan that promotes walking and cycling through downtown as opposed to another parking garage in the area. Perhaps a compromise would be to include a lot of bike racks.

    I do like that there are plans to save the mural, but the general vision for this project other than that I feel is flawed.

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    Brian Stepanek over 4 years ago

    Please consider converting part of the parking garage to secure bike parking, including lockers. There are more than enough spaces, and the city should promote biking.

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    Ramuel Reyes over 4 years ago

    No more parking in downtown Fresno. Downtown Fresno has move passed the need for more parking

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    David Paredes over 4 years ago

    There should be no additional parking structures. None whatsoever. We should be investing in better public transportation to reduce the use of fossil fuels. I grew up in southwest fresno and there is enough pollution. Please consider the future of the next generations to combat climate change. Thank you.

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    Matthew Woodward over 4 years ago

    While I'm pleased with the progress of the development, the balcony overlooking the mural is just a bandaid for a problem. There are 510 parking spaces proposed for the project. But why not remove the parking structure from the project entirely? If the Project is called, Fulton Square, why not build a large public square overlooking the mural. The apartments are already being designed with outdoor viewing areas facing the garage itself.

    Other cities are beginning to look in that direction. Why shouldn't Fresno? We are already decades behind other cities in building adequate bike infrastructure. Why not use the millions of dollars that would go towards building the parking garage for some class IV protected bike paths downtown? As more people move here, the bikeways will help prevent traffic congestion from being a regular occurrence.

    If you disagree with any part of my comment, you should at least consider not building all 510 of those parking spaces. Tutelian itself has previously stated that the development as designed has more parking spots than required by city zoning (510 versus 430).