ID 20-00986 HEARING to consider the adoption of Plan Amendment Application No. P19-04226 and related Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR), State Clearinghouse (SCH) # 2019050005. The following applications have been filed by the Planning and Development Department Director and pertain to the Planning Area of the City of Fresno:
1. REVIEW AND CONSIDER Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Draft PEIR SCH No. 2019050005 and Response to Comments Document), apply the Council's independent judgment and analyses to the review, and then adopt the resolution certifying the FPEIR including the GHG Reduction Plan set forth in Appendix G of the FPEIR, as having been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), based on the Planning Commission's recommendations on the proposed Final Program EIR and comments thereon.
a. ADOPT an appropriate Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) as required by Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15097;
b. FIND that based upon testimony presented by staff, there are significant, unavoidable, environmental impacts which have not been mitigated to a level below significant. Therefore, the City Council should adopt the findings of fact and adopt an appropriate statement of overriding considerations pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15091 and 15093; and
c. ADOPT the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Update set forth in Appendix G, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.5(b).
2. APPROVE Plan Amendment Application No P19-04226 which requests authorization to amend the text of the Fresno General Plan Mobility and Transportation Element to add a Vehicle Miles Traveled policy consistent with California Senate Bill (SB) 743 and to revise policies and text relating to Level of Service (LOS) metrics to update applicability.