Meeting Time: June 22, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. ID 20-00860 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PUBLIC SECURITY - Government Code Section 54957(a): Matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, the security of essential public services, and to the public's right of access to public services and public facilities, and related actions pertaining to the Declaration by Governor Newsom of a State of Emergency to Help State Prepare for Broader Spread of COVID-19, and related local concerns.

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    Preston Moore over 4 years ago

    I condemn and am against in the strongest, any legal barrier stopping or preventing landlords from evicting non rent paying tenants. If the eviction ban extends 1 year, 2 years or 5 years tenants won’t pay for that time regardless of if they have the ability to. Look around you... We all have jobs because we choose to get up off our backsides. We’re you coddled to your job? No. You coddle children not grown adult men. Please allow our court system to do its job. We the legal rental agreements that you are stopping us from enforcing. This is causing overall depreciation of the housing market because landlords can no longer afford to maintain their units and do necessary repairs/upgrades. If the block is not lifted immediately I will, as others have, sue the city for damages and losses due to you not allowing the courts to even look at our cases. I understand we have hard choices to make but this is what you have sword to do. Let our righteous courts decide the outcome of each situation cases by case. Stop this illegal immoral eviction ban immediately and protect the long term value of your city. Thank you.