Meeting Time: June 11, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1-A ID 20-00702 Approval of Minutes for the May 21, 2020 Regular Meeting and May 21, 2020 Special Emergency Closed Session Meeting, and June 4, 2020 Special Closed and Open Session Meeting.

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    Kassandre Clayton almost 5 years ago

    The Fresno Police Department’s FY 2020 budget represents the majority, of allocated funds among all City Departments except Utilities.
    Below are requests that the Council and Mayor Brand should make contingent for the Police Department’s funding:
    1) Eliminate the Military Surplus Purchase Program. 2) Reduce militarized, tactical units. 3) Audit & review Overtime Pay/Voluntary Overtime 4) Eliminate Police Officers from Fresno Unified School District K-12 campuses. Hire School Social Workers at the MSW level. 5) A moratorium & review of the Department’s “Use-of-Force” policy. 6) A moratorium & review of Department’s De-escalation policy. 7) Audit, review, & report outcomes for the Crisis Intervention Team. 8) Re-allocate funding from “Overtime”/ "Voluntary Overtime Pay” to increase the hiring of Mental Health Clinicians (LCSW’s) to engage with homeless, severely mentally ill, and individuals in crisis. 9) Officers with multiple, Officer Involved Shootings must complete psychological reviews to assess their professional, suitability to continue in their official position.

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    Samantha Gonzalez almost 5 years ago

    Dear Fresno City Council members,
    As budget hearings are being placed, a growing number of citizens are filled with concerns and I am going to share mine.
    My first concern is how a continuing resolution is not optimal nor up to date for Fresno City.
    My second concern is surrounding our police force. Fresno State NAACAP has a list of demands that has been cultivated with the help of our community. We demand justice for Isiah Murrietta-Golding. We demand that members of the police force who break moral and ethical code are held to a higher standard and held accountable. If this is not achieved, we will demand the defunding the police as it proves to not serve the community. Eliminate qualified immunity and put our community first.

    Samantha Gonzalez ( a deeply concerned citizen)