Meeting Time: April 23, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

ID 20-00531 ***RESOLUTION - Directing appropriations to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to create a Consumer Grant Program to assist Fresno families impacted by job loss or reduction in working hours, and directing appropriations to the Save our Small Business Program (Subject to Mayor's Veto)

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    Karla Arana almost 5 years ago

    We are seeing a crisis that existed long before the COVID-19. Most tenants pay half if their income on rent and they were one unexpected life event from not being able to pay their rent. We need you to put in place an Emergency Response Fun to support our communities in these critical times NOW!

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    Alondra Cortez almost 5 years ago

    I am in favor of the COVID emergency state response fund considering the circumstances many are under during this time. It is up to us as a community to advocate for proper assistance.

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    Nathan Ahle almost 5 years ago

    The Fresno Chamber of Commerce supports more funding to increase the City’s small business grant fund. During this economic uncertainty, every effort must be made to help local businesses survive. We support the Council/Mayor working together to find General Fund dollars to put toward more grants.

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    Jessica Ramirez almost 5 years ago

    Covid 19 Emergecy state Response Fund needs to be in place due to many needing the help due to this crisis many lost jobs ,prices are rising sky high therefore we don't have enough to buy food ,essentials,or even pay bills .I stongly support this.

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    Patience Milrod almost 5 years ago

    CCLS assists low-income families facing eviction. Most pay half their income for rent, or more. Moratoria for low-wage families, out of work due to COVID, delay but do not prevent evictions for nonpayment of rent after COVID. Rental assistance now can prevent a tide of homelessness this summer.

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    Janine Nkosi almost 5 years ago

    This fund will help renters remain in their homes and landlords maintain their investments. This is especially true for the most vulnerable tenants and 'mom and pop' landlords. I strongly urge you to pass the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to provide critical relief to tenants and landlords.

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    Jaimee Olsen almost 5 years ago

    I question the legality of providing U.S. tax dollars to non-U.S. Citizens. Please be prepared to provide documented legislation that gives Fresno council the ability to use tax dollars as proposed. There is already a moratorium on evictions and existing welfare programs used by non-citizens.

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    Gurdeep Shergill almost 5 years ago

    Please Support this. We need this to help our needy families and businesses. Thank you All CouncilMembers and Mayor.