1-Z ID 20-0088 Actions related to amending the Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business Ordinance:
1. Adopt a finding that there is no possibility that this approval will have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to the common sense exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and
2. BILL - (For introduction) - Amending Sections 9-3306, 9-3307, 9-3308, 9-3309, 9-3310, 9-3311, 9-3312, 9-3313, 9-3314, 9-3316, 9-3317, 9-3318, 9-3319, 9-3321, 9-3325, 9-3328, 9-3335, and 9-3337 of the Fresno Municipal Code related to Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business.