Meeting Time: December 12, 2019 at 9:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

ID19-11678 RESOLUTION - Initiating a comprehensive update to the Fresno General Plan; initiate the amendment of the Woodward Park Community Plan; the Bullard Community Plan (which includes the Pinedale Neighborhood Plan and the Sierra Sky Park Land Use Policy Plan); the Hoover Community Plan (which includes the El Dorado Park Neighborhood Plan); the West Area Community Plan; the Fresno High-Roeding Community Plan; the McLane Community Plan; the Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan; the Edison Community Plan; the Roosevelt Community Plan; the Butler-Willow Specific Plan; the Fresno-Chandler Downtown Airport Master Plan; the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan; the Highway City Neighborhood Plan; the North Avenue Industrial Triangle; the Southwest Fresno Specific Plan; the Tower District Specific Plan; and the Yosemite School Area Specific Plan pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 15-4902-B.

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    Matthew Woodward about 5 years ago

    I already submitted a comment last week, but just in case it isn't added to the record I'm leaving another.
    The city needs money, every department is starving for cash. Our city government knows this because whenever the city budget is prepared there are projects city council members want for their districts that the city cannot afford to build.
    On top of this our 911 call center needs more staff, our parks have over $100 million in deferred maintenance, we currently can't afford to fix every pothole in the city even with funding from the state gas tax. Building more infrastructure away from the city only exacerbates the problem.

    Please do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

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    Andrew Feil about 5 years ago

    Please give infill time. What we loose in tax revenue from new building on expanding limits we will gain in focus and redevelopment of our inner core. We need to stay focused on a well developed plan and not on councils rotting wishes.

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    Andy HansenSmith about 5 years ago

    After unprecedented community input and support as well as $3million our current General Plan was updated just 5 years ago. Everyone agrees there is a huge need for more affordable housing but expanding our sphere influence is not the best way to do it.Developers want to find the most affordable and easiest land to use but we don't want sprawl. This proposal will take traffic away from our primary corridors and the small businesses that thrive on the subsequent drivers eyes and puts it on to the freeway instead.There is plenty of infill in Fresno that will help our community in conjunction with the infrastructure already in place will help lessen the impact to our always scarce tax dollars.

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    Amanda Britton about 5 years ago

    Please vote in opposition. Residents, business owners, and supporters of our underserved and under supported communities have been done a grave injustice by multiple city decisions in the past and have been working for decades to build their neighborhoods up, both literally and figuratively. Fresno as a whole has been a victim of urban sprawl and the effects are felt in all zip codes from businesses unable to clear the red to new houses that stand vacant. Instead of following this misguided resolution to continue expanding the city's footprint please consider the multitude of benefits to looking within at the value of existing commercial buildings, land plots, and houses.

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    Chris Rocha about 5 years ago

    Please vote to oppose. Our current general plan was thought out. The last thing our city needs is more urban sprawl. There is plenty of land to develop on in our existing neighborhoods that so desperately need it, who have been underserved and underinvested in by this city for long enough.

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    Annie Lokrantz about 5 years ago

    Please continue to look within the City’s sphere before allocating resources elsewhere!

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    Zachary Antoyan about 5 years ago

    Suburban sprawl has been Fresno's standard operating procedure for the better part of 75 years. We don't need to revisit a general plan that focused on infill development to address our housing needs. They can happen within our current sphere of influence. Annexation of new land and rezoning will only increase the yearly budget needs of the city, which is not fiscally responsible, and will not encourage further development and investment in our existing neighborhoods that need it. Please vote to oppose.