3-C ID19-1821 Actions pertaining to the Traffic Signal Installation Project at Bullard Avenue and Grantland Avenue - Bid File 3628 (Council District 2)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff's determination, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA)
2. Approve an Inter-fund Loan Agreement between the Developer Cash-in-Lieu Improvements Fund and the Cash-in-Lieu Loan Fund, pursuant to Article VI of the City of Fresno Reserve Management Act and Article IV of the Taxpayer Protection Act, providing for a $803,000 loan
3. Award a Construction Contract to American Paving Co., of Fresno, CA in the amount of $553,617, and authorize the Public Works Director or Designee to sign a standardized contract on behalf of the City